|   June 14, 2023

The Pioneers of Good dilemma

In each industry there are those who are Pioneers of Good. These are companies that have always been striving for: 
– the highest quality
– ethical sourcing
– sustainable cultivation and/or exploitation and production 
– compliance with all environmental and social standards 

Masters in their field
These Pioneers of Good have often been active in the distribution channels that are specifically relevant to them (e.g. organic and natural). Today, however, many of the once niche suppliers are “forced” to face a broader distribution landscape. This is because many distributors are being pressured to adapt to ESG requirements and changing consumer behavior. As a result, many niches have become «salonfähig» in the meantime. 

New channels – different rules
But this changes the game, because other distribution channels have different rules. In addition, of course, you don’t want to upset the existing customer base. This makes it all the more important to solve this conceptually right from the start and to shape business relationships on your own terms.

Sitting out is not an alternative
We observe that the Pioneers of Good tend to wait and see. This is not a good strategy, because competitors with far worse arguments and knowledge now must catch up. The party has started and now is the right and only time to make the values and achievements built up over years or decades commercially viable. 

The party is now
In this sense, we advise all industry pioneers to face the challenges and to transfer the values and qualities they have worked for so long into a powerful business model adapted to today’s market requirements. 

Let’s talk…